Military Vehicles Magazine Index Archive

ISSUES WANTED: #77*, 80*, 89*, 90, 93*, 94*, 97, 98, 99, 100 & higher : wanted in exc. condition.

Military Vehicles magazine is a publication dedicated to military vehicles from around the world. A heavy emphasis is on US made military vehicles.  The publication was originally started by my friend Dick Ivory & Dennis Spence. After many successful years it was sold to David Ahl. Thereafter it was sold again to it's current owner / publisher Krause Publications. Krause Publications will NOT sell any back issues. You can only subscribe for future issues.
Military Vehicles Magazine ( a.k.a. MV Magazine ) is a glossy article magazine devoted to restorers of military vehicles. Approx. 90 pages per issue. Page count varies from issue to issue. It's goals are to inform collectors and restorers and to put buyers and sellers together. Informational articles on ALL types and All Years of Military Vehicles and Parts. Want ads, For Sale Ads for ALL types and All Years of Military Vehicles and Parts. Both New, Used, Restored and reproduction sources. Dealer listings. Paint Suppliers. Tire suppliers, Canvas suppliers. W.W.I, W.W.II, Korean, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and years in between. Bicycles, Jeeps to 2 1/2ton trucks, 1/2 tracks and tanks. They are all here. Willys, Ford, Bantam, GMC, Chevrolet, Dodge, White, Autocar, AM General, Studebaker, and many others.
Check your collection and fill in the missing issues. 
If you need some of the rare Out-of-Print back issues, I do have some available for sale, as well as back issues of Supply Line, and Army Motors.

Below is a Master Index of all Issues starting from the rare First Issue.

#1 - APR/MAY 1987:  Canvas; Drive Train Ratios in Willys Vehicles; Galveston, TX 12th MVCC Convention.

#2 - JUN/JUL 1987:  Bidding On MVs/Don't Buy MVs from the Government; Fort Lewis, Washington; Willys Engines 1941-1963.

#3 - AUG/SEP 1987:  Half-Tracks; Dodge Radiator Caps; Weasel Quiz; Iowa Tank Transmissions.

#4 - OCT/NOV 1987:  Rare Navy Jeep; M151 Sales; Buckeye Rally; M38 Oil & Fuel; APC Specs & Illustrations.

#5 - DEC 87/JAN 1988:  Tank Glossary; Mahalchik Sale; Postwar 2 1/2 ton trucks; Ohio Exhibition; WWII truck Recognition; Half Track Tracks; Windshield Wipers; Winch Care.

#6 - FEB/MAR 1988:  Locating MV's to Buy; MV's in Alaska; General Motors in WW2; WW2 1/4ton Trailer.

#7 - APR/MAY 1988:   M422 Mighty Mite; Servicing M-series Lamps; Post-war Truck Specs & Illus.; Blackout Driving Beam; Harley Davidson Shaft-Drive Cycle.

#8 - AUG/SEP 1988:  DUKW (Part 1); Desert Cooling; Jeep Tops; Trailers; Dodge T-numbers.

#9 - AUG/SEP 1988:  Servicing Wheel Bearings (10-page how-to); Early US Military Motorcycles; What to Look for in Buying an MV, American Military Museum; M38 Interim Changes; Vehicle Markings (1942); 1st Dodge Power Wagon Rally; M38 changes; Tactical Vehicle Fleet (CUCV and HMMWV); Fixing M151 Clutch Pedal Binding Problem.

#10 - OCT/NOV 1988:  AM General Abandons Heavier Trucks; Dodge M37; DUKW (Part 2); Jeep Identification.

#11  -DEC 88/JAN 1989:  Tips on Buying a MV; Army Motorcycles (Part 2); Winch Shear Pins; White Owl Rally; Indiana Museum; Amphibious Carriers; Plug Cables.

#12 - FEB/MAR 1989:  Sherman Tank Recognition Guide (Part 1); M561 Gama Goat; "Vixen Tor"; Armored MB Jeep Photos; Wood Bodies for 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 ton Trucks; Oil Filter Basics.

#13 - APR/MAY 1989:  M.V. Repairs in the Field Pt 1; MV Glossary; Sherman Tanks (2).

#14 - JUN/JUL 1989:  Field Repairs (2); Sherman Tanks (3); Dodge 3/4ton; Pioneer Tool Rack.

#15 - AUG/SEP 1989:  MV Buyer's & User's guide; OD Syndrome.

#16 - OCT/NOV 1989:  Towing Your MV (6.5 pages how-to); M211 Manual Transmission Conversion; Radio Suppression in MVs (6-page feature); Sherman Tank Recognition (Part 4 plus summary); Estimate of Surviving Number of Various Types of Jeeps.

#17 - DEC 89/JAN  1990:  Field Repairs (3); Christie Tank; Truck Decontaminator; Radium Paint on Gauges; Civilian Hummer; Open Cabs.

#18 - FEB/MAR  1990:  Blackout Lighting Systems; Collecting Radios (1); Driving a Half-track; Winch Basics; GMC Starter Problems; 6 to 12 volt Conversion.

#19 - APR/MAY  1990:  Windshield Wiper Repair; Collecting Radios (2); Waterproofing Canvas.

#20 - JUN/JUL 1990:  All About Front End Shimmy (11.5 page how-to); Collecting Communications Gear (Part 3); Effect of Non-Leaded Gas in MVs.

#21 - AUG/SEP 1990:  Speedometer Repair (5.3 page how-to); Guide to MV Restoration (Part 1 of 4); How to Sell an MV at Auction, New Canvas for Seat Cushions; Care and Feeding of Winch Wire Rope; Ft. Blass Museum; Technical Q&A.

#22 - OCT/NOV 1990:  Wake Up Hibernating MV's; Guide to MV Restoration (Part 2); Military Vehicle Glossary; Description of Various 1/4-t Trailers, Ft. Lewis Military Museum; Tech Q&A.

#23 - DEC 90/JAN 1991:  How to Install Turn Signals (6.5 pages); M3 Half-Tracks (9.5 pages); Pros & cons of Renting Your Military Vehicle?; Cargo Trailers; Tech Q&A.

#24 - FEB/MAR 1991:  Chevrolet 1-1/2 ton Truck; Guide to MV Restoration (Part 3); M20 Armored Car Description & Deployment; How to Repair a Jeep Frame; Tech Q&A.

#25 - APR/MAY 1991:  History of Central Mfg, Builder of Jeep Bodies; International (IHC) Trucks: The Forgotten MV's; Jeep Canvas, Korean Vehicle Markings; 2nd Infantry Div Museum, Korea; Tech Q&A.

#26 - JUN/JUL 1991:  WC-63, the Big Dodge (6 pages); Guide to MV Restoration (Part 4); Korean War Museum; Tech Q&A.

#27 - AUG/SEP 1991:  M-series Brakes (13.2-page how-to) ; Shipping Vehicles by Truck; M880/890 Trucks; M3 Scout Cars Description & Use; All about Walkie-Talkies; MV Paints and OD Equivalents.

#28 - OCT/NOV 1991:  Unimog, The Ultimate Practical MV (8 pages); Replacement for 2HN Battery; 8 pages of Tech tips (1-1./2 tonners. M37 v. M715, M677, M38A1 misfiring, M37 top speed, tires, much more).

#29 - DEC 91/JAN 1992:  Applying OD Paint; Stuart Tanks on Saipan; Install Turn Signals on Your MV; Chrysler Produces Tanks, Purists v. Users; 1942 MV Production; Tech Q&A.

#30 - MARCH 1992:  DUKW History & Use; Restoring Korean War M46 Tanks; M274 Mule Specs & Description.

#31 - MAY 1992:  Rewiring the MB/GPW Jeep (10page how-to); Battery Isolator Switches, 24-volt Connectors; Rescue of Ford GPW-327 by Brian French; 4 cover photos of rare Willys MT-TUG 3/4-ton 6x6.

#32 - JULY 1992:  Gen. Walker's Fatal Jeep Accident; Restoring M-Series Wiring; New Standard Grease Fitting (1943); M41 Walker Bulldog Light Tank Specs & Illus; Tech Q&A.

#33 - SEPTEMBER 1992:  Evaluating a Military Vehicle; 100 amp Electrical System (6 pages); Proper Use of Clutch; USMC Museum at Quantico; Tech Q&A.

#34 - NOVEMBER 1992:  Scout Car Test Drive (12 pages); Buying MVs at Auction; Towing Your MV; Central Mfg Follow-up; Reusing Douglas Wire Connectors.

#35 - JANUARY 1993:  Camp Pendleton 50th Anniversary (Part 1); NY Tank Museum; Updating the MB/GPW Engine While Rebuilding; Classification of Ordnance Materiel.

#36 - MARCH 1993:  GAZ 69 Russian Jeep (Part 1); Jeep Turn Signals, Rescue and Research on Ford GPW #327 (Part 2) by Brian French; Camp Pendleton 50th Anniv. (Part 2).

#37 - MAY 1993:  USMC MV Markings; GAZ 69 (Part 2); Use of Gaskets & Sealers; Military Museum of Southern New England; Tech Q&A.

#38 - JULY 1993:  Multifuel Engine; Suspect Surplus Tires; Inspection & Repair of Jeep Differentials; 1993 Patterson MV Meet; 1993 Big Bear MV Meet.

#39 - SEPTEMBER 1993:  Hummer vs. Humvee (14 pages); Aberdeen US Army Ordnance Museum; Removing Stuck Nuts.

#40 - NOVEMBER 1993:  Restore Jeep Transmissions and Transfer Cases; Notes of a new M151 Owner; Camp Pendleton Amphibian Museum; Ft. Knox Patton Museum; Divorce & A Day in the Life of an MV Collector.

#41 - JANUARY 1994:  International Harvester trucks; Wright Museum; Camp Pendleton part 2; use of Military Jeep - Everyday Driving; M18 Hellcat and M39; Army Motors excerpts

#42 - MARCH 1994:  Studebaker M29 Weasel (Part 1); 1993 AUSA Meeting; Fort Eustis US Army Transportation Museum; They're Still Out There; 5 pages of tech tips (M37 bow storage, large wreckers, M43 uses, M37 large tires, M715 trailer, etc.).

#43 - MAY 1994:  US Army Quartermaster Museum; M29 Weasel (Part 2); Vehicle Markings in Early WWII; M37 large tires; M43 Radio Vehicles; Cushman Scooter.

#44 - JULY 1994:  Forces of the future; War Memorial Museum of Virginia; M37 Dodge with "Transplant"; Studebaker M29 Weasel; Dev. of Military Vehicle Training Aids.

#45 - SEPTEMBER 1994:  Saving and Restoring a 10-ton truck; Complete List of 80 Ford MV Contracts of WWII; Ft Hood Museums; Tanks for Reefs; Leftover MVs in Europe in 1994.

#46 - NOVEMBER 1994:  Iola, WI Show; Forces of the Future (Part 2); Heart of Dixie 1994 MV Rally; Tanks Available to Qualified Groups.

#47 - JANUARY 1995:  Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles 1994 Rally; 45th Infantry Division Museum.

#48 - MARCH 1995:  Pontiac MVs 1928-45; Star and S markings (1943); Forces of the Future (Part 3).

#49 - MAY 1995:  Ford T16 Universal Carrier (Part 1); 1941-42 War (Station) Wagons; Pesky Valve Springs; Happy New Year & Good Hunting.

#50 - JULY 1995:  Imperial Palace Auto Collection; Ford T16 Universal Carrier (Part 2).

#51 - SEPTEMBER 1995:  Dodge VC & WC series (Part 1); Wright Museum (NH) Revisited.

#52 - NOVEMBER 1995:  Dodge MVs through Power Wagon (Part 2); M151 Seizures; A Visit to Direct Support (dealer profile).

#53 - JANUARY 1996:  Jeep Engine Trouble-shooting; New Rifle Bracket (1942); Iola Show; Camp Meade, VT Retreat; Convoy of Hope.

#54 - MARCH 1996:  Installing Repro Wiring in a WC52; Civilian Parts on MVs; M37: History, Specs, How to Buy; M246 5-ton Wrecker Specs; M38A1C with 106mm Recoilless Rifle Specs; Visit to Camo (dealer profile).

#55 - MAY 1996:  Power Wagon Third Member how-to; Converting a Military Standard Engine for a Mule; Fort Sill Artillery Museum.

#56 - JULY 1996:  Installing Repro Wiring (Part 2), Leaky M-Series Windshield Fixes; Visit to Army Jeep Parts (dealer profile).

#57 - SEPTEMBER 1996:  M5A1 Light Tank Development (Part 1); A Visit to Tanks A Lot (dealer profile); Awesome Power Wagons; Mule Battery Installation; Findlay, OH Rally Report.

#58 - NOVEMBER 1996:  M5A1 Light Tank (Part 2); Visit to Tom Murray (dealer profile); Equipment Lists for Infantry Jeeps; MVs on the Internet; M44 Armored Utility Vehicle Specs; M16A2 Self-Propelled Gun Specs; Confiscation of MVs.

#59 - JAN/FEB 1997:  $13 Million Theft at Fort McCoy; Rebuilding MB/GPW Engines; Visit Vermont Commercial Salvage; Will your Military Vehicle be seized?; Iola Vintage Vehicle Show; Beltring 1996;  Military Fire Trucks of WWII; Hood Hinge Gutter for MB, GPW; Russian Military Vehicle Models; Internet sites to visit; AUSA Meeting; Portland Convention.

#60 - MAR/APR 1997:  Fire Trucks of WWII (2); M135 Deuce-and-a-half; M114A1 Carrier; Military Museum of So. New England; MV Toys; Tech tips; Multi-fuel Engine Filters; Book Reviews.

#61 - MAY/JUN 1997:  Powerwagons & Queen of Sheba; M29 Weasel; Buying a MV for under $1000 (part 1), M37 Project Vehicle; Winch tips; Visit to Rapco; DUKWy Tale; Prewar MV Toys; Q&A.

#62 - JUL/AUG 1997:  Getting Out of Off Road Trouble; Free Wheeling Hubs; 24V to 12V Conversion; Cooling Hose Failures; Complete Jeep Tool kit; Replica Weapons; M37 Projects.

#63 - SEP/OCT 1997:  Buying a MV for under $1000 (2); Driveshafts & Universal Joints; How To Install a Battery Switch; Jeep Engine C-Rations Can Warmer; Replica Machine Gun; Russian GAZ 67B; How To Strip Paint; Refurbish Old Data Plates, Replace a M37 Emergency Brake; Clunker Law and What It Means To You.

#64 - NOV/DEC 1997:  Basic Body Work; German use of Czech Tanks; Starter Maintenance & Repair; Beef Up Your Springs; Machine gun Laws; Die Cast Models; Weare & Tobbyhanna Rallies.

#65 - JAN/FEB 1998:  Replacing Jeep Brakes; How To Use Patch Panels; Oxygen & Propane Machine Guns; All About Nuts & Bolts; Fuel Tank Repair; Building a Jeep Limousine; Carved Wood MV Models; What's New on the Internet.

#66 - MAR/APR 1998:  M50 Ontos; Italian Medium Tanks; Patching with Plastic; Rebuilding Dodge Carburetors; Fan Belt Trouble Signs; Russian War Plunder; Semi-Auto Guns; Tech Tips.

#67 - MAY/JUN 1998:  MV Insurance; M35 2 1/2ton Trucks; Dodge Carb Governor; M37 Wheel Seals; Repair MB/GPW Steering; M38A1 Jeep Photos.

#68 - JULY/AUG 1998:  Buying a Ferret; German/Czech Gun Carriages; Patching Holes; M37 Door Locks; WWII Jeep Tires; Colo. Springs Museum.

#69 - SEP/OCT 1998:  MV Canvas; Charging System; Cut 6x6 Axle; Paint Preparation; M76 Otter; WWI Liberty Truck; M551 Sheridan; WWII Ford Plant tour.

#70 - NOV/DEC 1998:  Painting Features: Spray Paint Basics, 50 Pointers; Camo Patterns; Seat Canvas; Fix Sagging Tarps; M8 AGS; '98 MVPA Convention.

#71 - JAN/FEB 1999:  How to Replace Rod & Main Bearings, Buying a Willys M38A1; Rebuilding an M-series Distributor; Build an M-series Rifle Mount; Cold Weather and Your Vehicle; Battery Pack Solves Storage Woes; Beltring 1998; Internet Sites.

#72 - MAR/APR 1999:  Buying an M151 Jeep; Buying a Willys M38A1 Jeep; Jeep Decontamination Kit; WWII Combat Wheels; German PzKw I Tank; Heater for Your MV; Surplus Jeeps for $150 (myth & reality); My Working Deuce; Vietnam Then and Now; Why the Spare on the Door?; Tech Topics.

#73 - MAY/JUN 1999:  How to Beef Up Sagging Leaf Springs, Restoring a LeRoi Compressor Truck, Cadillac Gage Peacekeeper, M22 Airborne Locust Tank, Russian Military Motorcycles, CJ2A in Alaska; Tech Topics; Replace Your Oil Pressure Gauge; Debut for Our M151A2.

#74 - JUL/AUG 1999:  All About Winches; High End Lubricants; FT-17 French Tank; M37 Coyote Tires; Museum Directory - West; Reader Survey Results

#75 - SEP/OCT 1999:  Split Rim Wheels Primer; Lubrication Basics; Power Steering For Your Deuce; Road Tires for Your M151; Combo Pintle/Ball Hitch; 1999 MVPA Convention; M1 Garand on Your MV; Military Museum Directory: Eastern USA; HMMWV Auction; MV's in Australia; Tech Topics.

#76 - NOV/DEC 1999:  HMMWV Auction, Buying a Sandblaster, Oil & Lubricants (Part 1), Clean Your Air Cleaner (6 pages), King Michael of Romania and His MVs; Hinge for M37 Tool Box; Light Vehicle Drivers Course; 28 photos from British Shows; 10 M37 Add-ons; Using Unleaded Gas; Tech Topics; Registering a HMMWV; For Veterans.

#77 - JAN/FEB 2000:  M38 Restoration Overview; Steering Wheel Repair; Lubricants Primer (2); Wooden HMMWV; Jagdpanther: Ultimate Tank Hunter; Lots of Reader Photos.

#78 - MAR/APR 2000:  Contact Maintenance Shop Set #3 (for M37, M715, CUCV), M543A2 5-ton Wrecker, Buying the Right Oil & Lubricants (Part 3), Fix Gama Goat Fuel Tank, M151 Hard Starting, Why Buy a Deuce? (8.5 pages), Tire Care; Small Amphibians; All American MV Show; Internet Discussion; Railroad Track Width & Other Oddities; Tech Topics.

#79 - MAY/JUN 2000:  Dodge M880/M890 Trucks (11 pages), M211 Deuce Restoration, Oil Filters How-to (7 pages), Tanks of the Balkans, SUMB MH600BS 4x4 Truck, Deuce Dual to Single Wheel Conversion, Maintenance-Free Batteries; M38A1 Before & After; 1956 Chevy Staff Car; Stopping Distance; Lubricants Q&A.

#80 - JUL/AUG 2000:  All About Gauges (6.5 pages); Welding Basics; MB Spare Parts Kit; Emergency Gear for Your MV; Rust Removal, Deuce: the Ultimate Camper, XR311 Reconnaissance Vehicle, Harley XA Motorcycle; Rebuilding a Half-Track; Tech Topics.

#81 - SEP/OCT 2000:  Armored Gun Trucks in Vietnam War (part 1); The Jerry Can: A Borrowed Concept; Crack Detection Tactics; Transfer Case Basics; Kits for Cats; Big Bear 2000; Ford GPW Data Plates; Iola Vintage Military & Gun show.

#82 - NOV/DEC 2000:  Sandblasting, Pressure Washing & Rust Removal; On the Road with the Biggest of the Big; Armored Gun Trucks in Vietnam War (part 2); 25th MVPA Convention; Iola 2000; Kubelwagons; King of the Battlefield; Keeping Fuel Healthy Over Winter.

#83 - JAN/FEB 2001:   CUCV: Is IT For You?; Beep! Beep! Here Comes A Jeep; Russian BA-64 Armored Car; Install a Clutch in your WWII Jeep; Cooling System Basics; Equipping Your HMMWV; Beltring 2000; Military Vehicles in Bosnia.

#84 - April 2001:  Ultimate Jeep Recognition Guide; All About Locking Hubs; FWD Model B Cargo Truck; Battery Care & Maintenance; Volvo Laplander 4x4; How To Deal with Busted Bolts; Air Force Special Ops Vehicles; You Be The Mechanic: M151.

#85 - June 2001:  12 Great Things to Do With Your MV; Russian Armored Scout Cars; All About Ignition Systems; Recovery of a Stranded Weasel; Restoration of a 1942 GPW; Match the Tires on Your Deuce; All About Locking Hubs; Lead-acid Batteries; Soundproof Your Vehicle; Land Rover Defender 90; Tech Tips.

#86 - August 2001:  Troubleshooting & Tuning Ignition Systems; M1114: Up-Armored HMMWV; Vacuum Gauge Diagnostics; Bv 206 Cargo Carries; The Ad Says, "A Little Rust"; Hotchkiss M201 Jeep; International M-1-4 & M-2-4; Rust Removal; WWII Jeep in Scale; Deuce to the Rescue - a Saga Begins; Unusual Scout Cars & Half-tracks; Honoring the American Veteran; Audible Turn Signal Reminder; Tech Topics.

#87 - October 2001:  Willys FC Jeeps: Too Forward for Their Time?; Postwar Deuce Power Plants; Install A Deep Water Fording Kit; How To Drive Side Slopes Safely; Russian Humors Rejected & Redeemed; A M37 Windshield that Doesn't Leak.

#88 - December 2001:  Senate Bill Threatens MVs; Nissan Patrol L60: The Perfect MV?; Bridge Weight Classification; Dingo: The German Patrol Dogs in Kosovo;  Power Cleaning; MVPA 25th Anniv.; GP: A North Woods Rescue; Alive & Well: A M4A1E8 Drives Again.

#89 - February 2002:  GMC Goes To War: WWI (part 1); Vehicle Lighting Systems Tutorial; 3rd Generation GPA; Caring for Overrunning Clutch; Making Your Own Brake Lines; Lava Liner; Turn Switches for 6v or 12v Systems.

#90 - April 2002:  ex-MV Buyers Guide; Online Government Auctions: Are they for you?; Have you insured your military vehicles?; How To: M37 Brake Upgrade; How To: Cure for the overrunning clutch; Modern Warfare: Shorland Armored Cars; Care & Feeding of Wire Rope; GMC goes to war, Part2: World War Two; CUCV Tips      WANTED

#91 - June 2002:  How To Rebuild Air-Paks; Vietnam Vehicle Markings Decoded; Why Armor? Why Not; Restoration of a M116A1 Trailer; Modern Warfare: FMTVA1; Front Axle Shimmy: Causes & Cures; GMC Goes To War (part 3); How To Replace Your Deuce's Fuel Filter.

#92 - August 2002:  Deuce Maintenance Tips; Rear Axles & Final Drives; How To Date Your Deuce; Install a NOS M37 Windshield Washer; Two Trucks: One Piece at a Time; GM's Support Vehicles: SSVs; Polish Army Museum Celebrates.

#93 - October 2002:  Truck, Forcible Entry, Type R-2; Military Manual Madness: M37 Checklist; Fort Hood's Unusual 3/4 ton Trucks; How To Ford the Deuce; How To: Military Electrical Systems; Cadillac Gage V-100 Armored Car; CMU-5 Walk Around.

#94 - December 2002:  G. I. Jeep Tales; Turbo Conversions for Deuces; What Color Green?: MV Paint Color Evolution; Dodge Machine Gun Mounts; MV Windshield Wipers; Multi-Fuel to Diesel Conversion; M62 5ton Wrecker; MERDC: US 4 Color Camo; M-Gator Utility Vehicle.

#95 - February 2003:  M274: Not a Stubborn Mule; Wheel Bearing Service Tutorial; Silicone Brake Fluids: Dot 3 & Dot 5; Stamping Data Plates; M715 & Its Variants; Vehicle Video Visibility.

#96 - April 2003:  The Magnificent Mighty Mite; Radio Shelters Into Campers; Hydraulic Brake Systems Tutorial; CARC: NATO's 3-Color Camo; M416 to M100 Trailer Conversion; WWII Radio Designation; WWII Registration Numbers.

#97 - June 2003:

#98 - August 2003:

#99 - October 2003:

#100 - December 2003:

#101 - February 2004:

#102 - April 2004:

#103 - June 2004:

#104 - August 2004:

#105 - October 2004:

#106 - December 2004:

#107 - February 2005:

#108 - April 2005:

#109 - June 2005:

#110 - August 2005:

#111 - October 2005:

#112 - December 2005:

#113 - February 2006:

#114 - April 2006:

#115 - June 2006:

#116 - August 2006:

#117 - October 2006:

#118 - December 2006:

#119- February 2007:

#120 - April 2007:

#121 - June 2007:

#122 - August 2007:

#123 - October 2007:

#124 - December 2007:

#125 - February 2008:

#126 - April 2008:

#127 - June 2008:

#128 - August 2008:

#129 - October 2008:

#130 - December 2008:

#131 - February 2009:

#132 - April 2009:

#133 - June 2009:

#134 - August 2009:

#135 - October 2009:

#136 - December 2009:

#137- February 2010:

#138 - April 2010:

#139 - June 2010:

#140 - August 2010:

#141 - October 2010:

#142 - December 2010:

#143 - February 2011:

#144 - April 2011:

#145 - June 2011:

#146 - August 2011:

#147 - October 2011:

#148 - December 2011:

#149 - February 2012:

#150 - April 2012:

#151 - June 2012:

#152 - August 2012:

#153 - October 2012:

#154 - December 2012:
email me if you have a question, or you see something broken on this website.  Military Vehicles Magazine ISSUES WANTED: #77, 80, 89, 90, 93, 94, 97 : wanted in exc. condition.

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Military Vehicles Magazine Back Issues Index Archive Page Page was updated on 02/16/2012