Other Resources on WWII Jeeps

History of the vehicle and the word 'jeep'
     There were several jeeps in history...just DON'T say GP stands for 'general purpose'.

Archives & Photo Libraries
     Several libraries of photographs to choose from. My pictures, pictures of customers restored jeeps, and WWII Squadron Patches.
     Bulletin Board Archives, Guest Book Archives, Old Price List Archives. Anything over 60 days old.

The WWII Jeep Hood Number Estimator / Generator
     For estimating and generating WW2 Registration Numbers found on Willys & Ford MB/GPW, MA, GP, BRC Jeeps.

Free Jeep Clip Art Page
     Giffs, JPEGs, icons of WWII Jeeps and other military vehicles.

Obsolete 1997-1998 MB/GPW Parts List Reference Archive
     The List contains about 1,300 items on 14 pages. Presented for reference and achieve research purposes. New restorers might not know what parts are needed, and old timers can reminisce about the good old days when parts were cheaper and far more available.

     Here are links to several websites dedicated to Hollywood productions, in some the jeep was a star, in others it only had a supporting role.  All are fun to browse through.

The MB/GPW and Military Jeep WebRing
     You might find what you are looking for by following the list of WebRing members to other sites & pages.  If you have a full blown website, or just a single home page, as long as you have a section aimed at the World War II jeep, please apply to be added to the ring.

Other Jeep WebRings Page
     More Jeep WebRings.  There are quite a few to look into.  My love for jeeps is not just with WWII models.  I own 2 CJ-7's and love the Hot-Rod, Off-Road, Hi-Performance world as well!

The Links List
     Here is a list of other sites aimed at Jeeps, Military Vehicles, WWII, Military History, etc.  Please enjoy them.  Brian's Military Jeeps is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Brian's Military Jeeps of the site.  If you would like to be added to the list, Click Here for details. We would also enjoy being linked to as well!!

     History of and Sales of POW Bracelets as well as Links to websites on WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf POW and MIA . US Library of Congress Data base, National League of POW/MIA Families, and More.

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WWII Jeep Resources Page - Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII - Page was updated on 02/16/2012